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Health and Care Professions


The Department of Health and Care Professions offers a diverse and comprehensive range of undergraduate, postgraduate, degree apprenticeships and research programmes for individuals wishing to join or upskill in the healthcare sector.   

Our dedicated programmes and state-of-the-art facilities ensure that students and apprentices receive high quality education and training, fostering their ability to make a positive impact on the well-being and care of individuals and communities. With a strong emphasis on practical application and a commitment to the highest professional standards, our programmes teach, prepare and upskill the next generation of healthcare professionals. 

St Luke's campus Exeter

St Luke's campus, Exeter

Medical Imaging

Our BSc (Hons) Medical Imaging programme is well-established and highly regarded for its quality. We have invested heavily in the student experience with significant investment in facilities which include an x-ray room, laboratory, virtual reality simulation and demonstration room. Our MSci (Hons) programme builds upon the BSc to offer enhanced learning and skills development.  Our degree apprenticeships were the first in the UK to offer this alternative route into the profession of Diagnostic Radiography and are proving to be highly successful. 

All of our programmes, whether full-time or degree apprenticeships ensure that, on graduation, you will have the knowledge, skills required to successfully embark on a career as a Diagnostic Radiographer and will be eligible to apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). The MSci potentially supports accelerated specialism after graduation. 

Degree Apprenticeships


Nursing students with stethoscope and testing blood pressure

The Academy of Nursing aims to create and develop a lifelong community of constantly curious and innovative nurses at the forefront of regional, national and global innovation, research, clinical practice and health policy leadership. 

If you want to make a profound difference to the lives of people needing health and social care and can imagine yourself leading a team in a busy accident and emergency ward, mental health service, hospice or care home, Nursing might be the course for you. 

Postgraduate Taught

Pharmacist looking at medicine boxes

Our postgraduate taught programmes aim to deliver high quality postgraduate education to healthcare professionals wishing to develop and advance their knowledge and skills. Whether you want to become an Advanced Clinical Practitioner, non-medical Prescriber or to advance your career in clinical pharmacy, we can help you to develop the skills and expertise required to respond to the challenges facing our modern-day health service.  

Our Practice Certificate in Independent and Supplementary Prescribing is open to all eligible health professionals and is accredited by the HCPC, NMC and GPhC. Our Advanced Clinical Practice Degree Apprenticeship is accredited by NHS England. 

We offer part-time and full-time postgraduate taught courses leading to a Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or Masters and many of our modules are offered as standalone study; these can be taken for professional development or combined with others towards a further qualification. 

Advanced Clinical Practice 

Clinical Pharmacy 

Postgraduate Research

Postgraduate research students talking

The Department offers Postgraduate Research programmes in Medical Imaging and Nursing. If you are interested in undertaking a PhD with us, we have a number of potential supervisors in our department. Please see the Research pages for more information and on how to identify your supervisor.