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Health and Care Professions

Dr Mike Gundry

Dr Mike Gundry

Lecturer in Medical Imaging

 South Cloisters 1.29


South Cloisters, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Mike is a Lecturer who graduated from the Exeter University Medical Imaging program in 2014. During his degree he developed an interest in research, and undertook a Masters by Research in Medical Imaging investigating Computer Assisted Diagnosis (CAD) in cervical spine imaging, working alongside the software team at City University and ultimately testing the software on doctors and radiographers at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital. Following the completion of his Masters he undertook a PhD in Medical Studies in 2016 investigating a new type of Stryker tibial cone implant and its impact on bone mineral density in total knee revision patients, completing it in 2021. Since then Mike has been involved in research determining bone mineral density via x-ray forearm imaging as part of an IBEX study, and investigating different alignment techniques in total knee replacements in CT and long leg x-ray imaging.


  • PhD (Medical Studies), University of Exeter Medical School, 2021
  • MbyRes (Medical Imaging Research), University of Exeter Medical School, 2016
  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), University of Exeter Medical School, 2016
  • BSc (Hons) Medical Imaging Diagnostic Radiography, University of Exeter, 2014

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Research projects

Current Projects:

  • PhD investigating the impact of total knee revision implants on bone mineral density 

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External Engagement and Impact


  • The College of Radiographers Beth Whittaker (conventional poster) prize (UKIO 2019)

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