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Health and Care Professions

Dr Holly Sugg

Dr Holly Sugg

Lecturer in Nursing



 South Cloisters 3.01


South Cloisters, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


Holly is a Lecturer (Education and Research) in the Academy of Nursing.  She specialises in mental health services research and, in particular, the development, evaluation and implementation of psychological therapies. Her research focuses on (1) using integrative mixed methods research to add value to clinical trials and potentially inform the personalisation of treatment; and (2) evaluating Morita Therapy, a Japanese psychological therapy, in the UK.

During the completion of her PGDip in Psychology and MSc in Psychological Research Methods, Holly co-ordinated the University of Exeter Mood Disorders Centre AccEPT Clinic, and contributed to a number of mental-health focused research projects in the department.  In 2017, Holly completed her PhD (entitled "Morita Therapy for Depression and Anxiety: Intervention Optimisation and Feasibility Study") in which she used a mixed methods approach to develop and test Morita Therapy for the first time in the UK, demonstrating its acceptability and potential utility for UK patients. Here she also demonstrated the potential for integrative mixed methods analysis to provide additional insights about the treatment in question, which may inform how to tailor and match treatments for individual patients.

Holly is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  She co-leads the 'evidence for practice' pillar of the Academy of Nursing, and the MSci Nursing Stage 4 Internship module.  Holly has experience as a Personal Tutor and in supervising PhD, Masters and undergraduate students.


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Higher Education Academy
  • PhD Medical Studies
  • MSc Psychological Research Methods
  • PGDip (Conversion for Postgraduates) Psychology
  • LLB (Hons) Law

Research group links

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Research interests

Holly's research broadly focuses on the development, evaluation and personalisation of complex interventions, especially psychological therapies for depression. Holly has skills in both quantitative and qualitative research, and in undertaking integrative mixed methods analysis, and experience in both optimising and piloting psychological therapies across cultures. Her specific interests are:

  • Using integrative mixed methods research to add value to clinical trials by providing additional insights about the treatment in question;
  • Precision medicine, particularly the personalisation of psychological therapies for depression, and the possible value of an integrative mixed methods approach in this field;
  • Morita Therapy, a Japanese psychological therapy, as a potential treatment for common mental health difficulties in the UK;
  • Cross-cultural perspectives on wellbeing, and the differential experience and treatment of mental health problems across cultures;

Research projects

  • COVID-NURSE Trial, Co-Investigator (
  • The Morita Trial, Chief Investigator
  • Morita Therapy for Depression and Anxiety: Intervention Optimisation and Feasibility Study, PhD Candidate
  • Icebreak (Services for Young People with Early Indicators of Personality Disorder), Research Assistant
  • The nature and role of mindfulness practice following completion of a Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Group: A mixed methods, longitudinal, exploratory study, MSc Student
  • A Delphi study to define 'Treatment Resistant Depression': The Exeter Consensus Statement, Research Assistant
  • PREVENT (Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy compared with maintenance antidepressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse or recurrence), Research Assistant
  • CoBalT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as an Adjunct to Pharmacotherapy for patients with treatment resistant depression), Research Administrator

Research grants

  • 2020 MRC
    COVID-NURSE. The development, testing and evaluation of a COVID-19 fundamental nursing care protocol: a randomised controlled trial. Funded by the UKRI/NIHR; administered by the MRC.
  • 2014 University of Exeter Medical School
    PhD Studentship

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Journal articles

Richards DA, Bollen J, Jones B, Melendez-Torres GJ, Hulme C, Cockcroft E, Cook H, Cooper J, Creanor S, Cruickshank S, et al (2024). Evaluation of a COVID-19 fundamental nursing care guideline versus usual care: the COVID-NURSE cluster randomized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs, 80(5), 2137-2152. Abstract.  Author URL.
Whear R, Abbott RA, Bethel A, Richards DA, Garside R, Cockcroft E, Iles-Smith H, Logan PA, Rafferty AM, Shepherd M, et al (2022). Impact of COVID-19 and other infectious conditions requiring isolation on the provision of and adaptations to fundamental nursing care in hospital in terms of overall patient experience, care quality, functional ability, and treatment outcomes: systematic review. J Adv Nurs, 78(1), 78-108. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sugg HVR, Richards DA, Russell A, Burnett S, Cockcroft EJ, Thompson Coon J, Cruickshank S, Doris FE, Hunt HA, Iles‐Smith H, et al (2022). Nurses’ strategies for overcoming barriers to fundamental nursing care in patients with <scp>COVID</scp>‐19 caused by infection with the <scp>SARS‐COV</scp>‐2 virus: Results from the ‘<scp>COVID‐NURSE</scp>’ survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79(3), 1003-1017. Abstract.
Richards DA, Sugg HV, Cockcroft E, Cooper J, Cruickshank S, Doris F, Hulme C, Logan P, Iles-Smith H, Melendez-Torres GJ, et al (2021). COVID-NURSE: evaluation of a fundamental nursing care protocol compared with care as usual on experience of care for noninvasively ventilated patients in hospital with the SARS-CoV-2 virus-protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 11(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sugg HVR, Russell A-M, Morgan LM, Iles-Smith H, Richards DA, Morley N, Burnett S, Cockcroft EJ, Thompson Coon J, Cruickshank S, et al (2021). Fundamental nursing care in patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus: results from the ‘COVID-NURSE’ mixed methods survey into nurses’ experiences of missed care and barriers to care. BMC Nursing, 20(1). Abstract.
Wickersham A, Sugg HVR, Epstein S, Stewart R, Ford T, Downs J (2021). Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: the Association Between Child and Adolescent Depression and Later Educational Attainment. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 60(1), 105-118. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pentecost C, Frost J, Sugg HVR, Hilli A, Goodwin VA, Richards DA (2020). Patients' and nurses' experiences of fundamental nursing care: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis. J Clin Nurs, 29(11-12), 1858-1882. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sugg HVR, Frost J, Richards DA (2020). Personalising psychotherapies for depression using a novel mixed methods approach: an example from Morita therapy. Trials, 21(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sugg HVR, Richards DA, Frost J (2020). What is Morita Therapy? the Nature, Origins, and Cross-Cultural Application of a Unique Japanese Psychotherapy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 50(4), 313-322. Abstract.
Sugg HVR, Frost J, Richards DA (2019). Morita Therapy for depression (Morita Trial): an embedded qualitative study of acceptability. BMJ Open, 9(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Wickersham A, Epstein S, Sugg HVR, Stewart R, Ford T, Downs J (2019). The association between depression and later educational attainment in children and adolescents: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 9(11). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sugg HVR, Richards DA, Frost J (2018). Morita Therapy for depression (Morita Trial): a pilot randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 8(8). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sugg HVR, Richards DA, Frost J (2017). Optimising the acceptability and feasibility of novel complex interventions: an iterative, person-based approach to developing the UK Morita therapy outpatient protocol. Pilot Feasibility Stud, 3 Abstract.  Author URL.
Sugg HVR, Richards DA, Frost J (2016). Morita therapy for depression and anxiety (Morita Trial): study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Trials, 17 Abstract.  Author URL.
Jenkinson CE, Winder RE, Sugg HVR, Roberts MJ, Ridgway N, Kuyken W, Wiles N, Kessler D, Campbell J (2014). Why do GPs exclude patients from participating in research? an exploration of adherence to and divergence from trial criteria. Fam Pract, 31(3), 364-370. Abstract.  Author URL.


Deering K, Sugg H, Morris C (2023). Evidence for Nursing Practice Pillar. In Gallagher A, Deering K, De Luca E (Eds.) Nursing Practice and Education, London: Routledge, 49-66.

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External Engagement and Impact


Above and Beyond award: University of Exeter, 2024.

GW4 Crucible 2024: Competitively selected for a cross-institutional research leadership programme focused on ‘Tackling health inequalities and driving social justice through radical interdisciplinarity’.

Early Career Researcher award: NIHR, Clinical Research Network, South West Peninsula, Research Awards 2020.

Above and Beyond award: University of Exeter, 2020.

Institute for Health Research presentations first prize: Annual Research Event, University of Exeter Medical School, 2015.

Committee/panel activities

Peer reviewer for Pilot and Feasibility Studies

Peer reviewer for Trials

Conferences and invited presentations

Sugg, HVR. 'Evidence-based Morita Therapy’ – why, what, and how?. Invited keynote oral presentation at the 11th International Congress of Morita Therapy, Simon Fraser University, Canada, Aug 2023; and the 40th Japanese Conference on Morita Therapy, Online, Dec 2023.

Sugg, HVR., Richards, DA. What are UK patients’ views of Morita Therapy for depression? Results of a qualitative interview study. Oral presentation at the 38th Japanese Conference on Morita Therapy, Online, Nov 2021.

Sugg, HVR., Richards, DA., Frost, J. Morita Therapy for Depression in a UK Population: Results of a Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial. Invited plenary oral presentation at the 10th International Congress of Morita Therapy, Wuhu No.2 People's Hospital, China, Aug 2019.

Sugg, HVR., Richards, DA., Frost, J. Morita Therapy for Depression and Anxiety: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study. Poster presentation at the Postgraduate Research Showcase, University of Exeter, May 2017.

Sugg, HVR., Richards, DA., Frost, J. Investigating Morita Therapy for a UK Population: A Feasibility and Pilot Study. Oral presentation at the 9th International Congress of Morita Therapy, University of Exeter, Aug 2016.

Sugg, HVR., Richards, DA., Frost, J. Approaches to Outpatient Morita Therapy: Development of the UK Morita Therapy Outpatient Protocol for Depression and Anxiety. Invited plenary oral presentation at the 9th International Congress of Morita Therapy, University of Exeter, Jul 2016.

Sugg, HVR., Richards, DA., Frost, J. Morita Therapy for Depression and Anxiety: Developing the Therapy Protocol for A Feasibility and Pilot Study. Oral presentation at the Annual Research Event, University of Exeter Medical School, May 2016.

Sugg, HVR., Richards, DA., Frost, J. Morita Therapy for Depression and Anxiety: A Feasibility and Pilot Study. Poster presentation at the AccEPT Clinic Lived Experience Group public event, University of Exeter, Oct 2015; the Defeating Depression: What Hope? public event, University of Exeter, Jun 2015; and the Postgraduate Research Showcase, University of Exeter, Apr 2015.

Sugg, HVR., Richards, DA., Frost, J. Morita Therapy for Depression and Anxiety: A Feasibility and Pilot Study. Oral presentation at the Annual Research Event, University of Exeter Medical School, Mar 2015. Awarded first prize in the Institute of Health Research group.

International recognition, such as international research collaborations, visiting research posts in overseas institutions, involvement at senior levels in international research associations, acting as referee for national and international research councils.

PhD cited as exemplar of integrative mixed methods research in trials. Richards, DA., Bazeley, P., Borglin, G., et. al. 2019. Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data and Findings when undertaking Randomised Controlled Trials. BMJ Open, in press.

Invited lectures & workshops

Sugg, HVR. Morita Therapy for Depression and Anxiety: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study. Invited lecture for the Msc in Applied Health Services Research: Qualitative Methods and Process Evaluations module, University of Exeter, Jan 2018.

Richards, DA., Sugg, HVR. Morita Therapy skills workshop. 9th International Congress of Morita Therapy, University of Exeter, Aug 2016.

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Holly is joint Module Lead for the MSci Nursing Programme Stage 4 Clinical Academic Internship (NURM115) and Co-lead for the Academy's 'evidence for practice' pillar.  She previously acted as Joint Stage 1 (NUR1100) Co-ordinator for the programme.  Holly is a guest lecturer on the Qualitative Methods and Process Evaluations module of the MSc Health Research Methods.

Holly has experience as a Personal Tutor and in supervising PhD students, Masters students on the MSci Nursing and Masters in Clinical Education, and Professional Training Year undergraduate students.  She has previously delivered BMBS special study units (SSU1) and critical appraisal workshops, provided one-to-one undergraduate academic writing support, and contributed to undergraduate learning experiences such as Grand Challenges.



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